Blogs > Cliopatria > Weak Endnotes

Aug 9, 2008

Weak Endnotes

Isabel Kershner,"Quandary for Hebrew: How Would Isaiah Text?" NYT, 7 August, reviews"Swords into Plowshares: The Isaiah Scroll and Its Message of Peace," an exhibit at the Israel Museum's Shrine of the Book in Jerusalem.

Marc Kaufman,"Cosmic Crusader," Washington Post, 10 August, reviews Ingrid D. Rowland's Giordano Bruno: Philosopher/Heretic.

Holland Cotter,"Bernini, the Man of Many Heads," NYT, 7 August, reviews"Bernini and the Birth of Baroque Portrait Sculpture," an exhibit at the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.

Charles McGrath,"Truth and Beauty? Only in Afterlife," NYT, 7 August, reviews Stanley Plumly's Posthumous Keats: A Personal Biography.

Michael Grunwald,"Oh, Pioneers!" Washington Post, 10 August, reviews Walter Nugent's Habits of Empire: A History of American Expansion.

Russell Warren Howe,"Remembering a Native Son," Washington Post, 10 August, recalls the last years of Richard Wright.

Carolyn See,"Jewish Roots in India," Washington Post, 8 August, reviews Sadia Shepard's The Girl from Foreign: A Search for Shipwrecked Ancestors, Forgotten Histories, and a Sense of Home.

Finally, congratulations to our former colleague, Alan Allport, who will be a postdoctoral lecturer in Princeton's writing program this academic year.

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