Blogs > Cliopatria > Sarkozy is Pompey the Great

Aug 13, 2008

Sarkozy is Pompey the Great

I'm calling it. The Mediterranean. The Caucuses. He's just not very good at empire building, although Saakashvili appeared on CNN sitting next to the EU flag.

In all seriousness, Sarkozy's six-month term as EU president has already twice brought about confrontation with the union's expansion. The failed gambit at a Mediterranean Union was knocked down by German media and public who saw it as an attempt at reconstituting the French colonial empire. Now any questions of Georgia's belonging to the community of Europe are mute--a nation farther east than Turkey, with less of a Hellenic imprint, which could not be aided militarily by either union or any member nation without going through the Black Sea (controlled by Turkey and Russia). If the Russian invasion accelerates Georgian membership to the EU, Turkish membership would have to follow quickly, effectively killing the dream of an overlapping Mediterranean community.

Side note: there were some interesting editorials in German papers about Braudel's The Mediterranean in the wake of Sarkozy's project. Wolf Lepenies and others wrote an editorial that describes how the book, conceived in Nazi captivity, imagines for the French the region as a counterweight to northern Europe, protecting and nurturing peace and liberty. Unfortunately, Braudel ignored France's domination of North Africa. (Crossposted at Europe Endless.)

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More Comments:

Serge Lelouche - 8/14/2008

I will keep that in mind and I am sorry. I feel just terrible about this.

Ralph E. Luker - 8/14/2008

I see: you chose the wrong word to criticize the wrong choice of a word. In the future, please keep in mind that my colleagues do not post here so you can identify trivial mistakes on their part and suffer your abuse for them. That kind of comment, which has become characteristic of you, simply isn't the basis for constructive conversation.

Serge Lelouche - 8/14/2008

Mr. Luker:
I'm not a teacher these days (and neither, if memory serves, are you), but I meant stupid as in "silly."

Nathanael D. Robinson - 8/13/2008

Of all the stupid mistakes I've made, you've picked the most trivial. Too bad.

Ralph E. Luker - 8/13/2008

Mr. Lelouche, One quality of a great teacher is that he or she never tries to humiliate a student. I'm afraid that can't be said of you, but it would be possible to make your point without insult. Give it your best try next time. Otherwise, don't comment at all.

Serge Lelouche - 8/13/2008

It's moot, not mute.