Blogs > Cliopatria > Some Literary Notes

Aug 14, 2008

Some Literary Notes

Toby Barnard,"Onward, ye literary pilgrims," TLS, 13 August, reviews Daniel Hahn's and Nicholas Robins's The Oxford Guide to Literary Britain and Ireland, 3rd edition.

Jeremy Axelrod,"Bold English: Anglo-Saxon Poetry," NY Sun, 14 August, reviews Michael Alexander's The First Poems in English.

Bob Thompson,"An Ode to John Keats's Immortality," Washington Post, 13 August, reviews Stanley Plumly's Posthumous Keats: A Personal Biography.

Adam Kirsch,"Harvesting the Waste Land: An Anthology of New Criticism," NY Sun, 13 August, reviews Garrick Davis, ed., Praising It New: The Best of the New Criticism.

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