Blogs > Cliopatria > Friday's Notes

Aug 23, 2008

Friday's Notes

Ambrose Hofstadter Bierce, III, at The Broad-Gauged Gossip, may have the hottest new site as the"Wonkette" of the the history blogosphere. He* specializes in, well, history gossip -- the latest travail at Princeton, Rutgers, Stanford, Texas, or whatever. As Rebecca Goetz at Historianess points out, internet gossip can be deeply misleading, but so far as I can tell Ambrose Hofstadter Bierce, III, knows his business. Brother Bierce welcomes your contributions, sent to bierce*dot*history* at*yahoo*dot*com. Hat tip.
*Could be"she." Can't be certain.

Peter Stothard,"What Came After The Ides of March," WSJ, 18 August, reviews Maria Wyke's Caesar: A Life in Western Culture. See also:"Christ was Julius Caesar," Peter Stothard, 18 August.

Good Magazine maps some of the world's great journeys, from Marco Polo and the Old Silk Road to Jack Kerouac and the Electric Kool-Aid Acid Trip.

Great Olympic Moments on YouTube – from Jesse Owens' win in the 100 meter dash at Berlin in 1936 to Svetlana Khorkina on the uneven parallel bars at Atlanta in 1996. Still, of all the great moments, Derek Redmond's finish of the 400 meters at Barcelona in 1992 remains, I think, the most remarkable.

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