Blogs > Cliopatria > Exaggerations

Sep 5, 2008


TNR flags this item from John McCain's remarks today about Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin:"Isn’t this the most marvelous running mate in the history of this nation?"

TNR notes Jefferson, Adams, and TR as past vice presidents that McCain evidently feels don't measure up to the Palin Standard. But why not go more recent, when the concept of a ticket and running mate was clearly established?

Compare Palin--a figure who, as far as can be determined, had before last week scarcely expressed a public position on any foreign policy issue, and most domestic issues--with Harry Truman (1944). Or Henry Cabot Lodge, II (1960). Or LBJ (1960). Or George H.W. Bush (1980).

I suppose it all depends on what your definition of"marvelous" is.

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