Blogs > Cliopatria > 20th & 21st Century Notes

Sep 7, 2008

20th & 21st Century Notes

Michael Kimmelman,"The ‘Mash of Myriad Sounds'," NYRB, 25 September, reviews Alex Ross's The Rest Is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century.

Alexander Waugh,"The Wittgensteins: Viennese whirl," Telegraph, 30 August, is excerpted from Waugh's The House of Wittgenstein: A Family at War. Hat tip.

Hugh Barnes,"Unnatural Selection," Moscow Times, 5 September, reviews Peter Pringle's The Murder of Nikolai Vavilov: The Story of Stalin's Persecution of One of the Great Scientists of the Twentieth Century.

Holland Cotter,"Artists, Toe the Party Line," NYT, 4 September, reviews"Art and China's Revolution," an exhibit at the Asian Society in New York City.

Caroline Elkins,"African Idyll," NYT, 5 September, reviews Helene Cooper's The House at Sugar Beach: In Search of a Lost African Childhood.

Michiko Kakutani,"A Leader Beyond Denial, as War Plans Flounder," NYT, 6 September, reviews Bob Woodward's The War Within: A Secret White House History, 2006-2008, the fourth of his four volume study of the Bush White House. In Woodward,"The War Within," Washington Post, 7-10 September, the Post launches a four-part series of articles that draw on the book.

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