Blogs > Cliopatria > Wednesday's Notes

Sep 24, 2008

Wednesday's Notes

xtimeline is a potentially useful site for creating and archiving chronologies.

Andrew Marr,"History is Finally Sexy," Intelligent Life, Autumn, argues that there's a new intellectual vitality in historical narrative. Hat tip.

Ellen Meiksins Wood,"Why It Matters," LRB, 25 September, reviews Quentin Skinner's Hobbes and Republican Liberty.

Annette Gordon-Reed,"Sally Hemings in Paris," The Root, 23 September, is excerpted from Gordon-Reed's The Hemingses of Monticello. Gordon-Reed will be here for an online discussion of the book at 12:00 EST today.

Brenda Maddox,"Books Maketh the Man," Literary Review, September, reviews Thomas Wright's Oscar's Books on Wilde's library.

George F. Will,"McCain Loses His Head," Washington Post, 23 September, questions whether John McCain has the temperament to be President of the United States. Lawrence Lessig compares Sarah Palin's experience with that of all previous Vice Presidents.

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