Blogs > Cliopatria > Friday's Notes

Sep 26, 2008

Friday's Notes

Margaret Atwood,"Debtors Prism," WSJ, 20 September, looks at the historical significance of debt. Hat tip.

Graham Robb,"The mountains of Les Miserables," TLS, 24 September, reviews Julie Rose's new translation of Victor Hugo's massive classic.

Christopher Clark,"A Habsburg loser and the New Europe," TLS, 24 September, reviews Timothy Snyder's The Red Prince: The fall of a dynasty and the rise of modern Europe.

Roy Foster,"Roger Casement versus the British Empire," TLS, 24 September, reviews Séamas Ó Síocháin's Roger Casement: Imperialist, rebel, revolutionary.

Scott McLemee,"Darkness Becomes Him," The Nation, 23 September, reviews Bernard-Henri Lévy's Left in Dark Times: A Stand Against the New Barbarism; and McLemee,"The Anti-Intellectual Presidency," IHE, 24 September, reviews Elvin Lim's The Anti-Intellectual Presidency: The Decline of Presidential Rhetoric from George Washington to George W. Bush.

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