Blogs > Cliopatria > Weak Endnotes

Sep 28, 2008

Weak Endnotes

"50 greatest villains in literature," Telegraph, 20 September, reports a panel of judges' topmost"foul fiends in literature," excluding children's and comic books.

Charles McGrath,"Milton Regained: A Helluva Party," NYT, 25 September, previews the Grand Paradise Lost Costume Ball at New York's Williamsburg Art and Historical Center in honor of the 400th anniversary of John Milton's birth.

For a PBS documentary on Alexander Hamilton, who was a leading 18th century political journalist and publisher, there's a call out for bloggers who will be covering 1) the candidates' debate on October 7, 2) the candidates' debate October 15, or 3) election night. If you're willing to be video taped and interviewed for the PBS documentary while blogging those events, contact shennessey*at*manifoldproductions*dot*com.

Stephen Budiansky,"Slogging Through Georgia," Washington Post, 25 September, reviews Noah Andre Trudeau's Southern Storm: Sherman's March to the Sea.

Finally, have a look at a couple of new, to me at least, history group blogs: History of Economics Playground and It is Time for History. Both of them do their history with a sense of humor.

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