Blogs > Cliopatria > Noted Here and There ...

Jun 8, 2004

Noted Here and There ...

If you must read about Ronald Reagan, read Christopher Hitchens and Scott McLemee. If you need a book, try Garry Wills, Reagan's America: Innocents at Home. Thanks to Ed Cohn at Gnostical Turpitude for the tip on Hitchens.

Invisible Adjunct has announced her intention of taking down her site on 9 June. It's a tribute to her accomplishment that there's been considerable discussion over there about ways in which it might be preserved for future readers. Sebastien Paquette weighs in on blogs, comments, and intellectual property rights. Paquette gets a rebuff from Dorothea Salo in comments there and from Alex Pang at Relevant History. Somehow, the brilliance of IA's performance at her blog gives me confidence in her decisions about its legacy.

Phillip Carter maintains one of the net's smartest blogs on military and intelligence affairs at Intel Dump. If you care about how the United States Constitution is interpreted by this administration's legal advisors, do not miss his "Another Smoking Memo". What can be said for an administration whose attorneys claim that"authority to set aside the laws is ‘inherent in the president'"? The breathtaking claim takes us back to Richard Nixon territory. On this, see: Josh Marshall. You should also follow Carter's links to Jess Bravin's"Pentagon Report Set Framework for Use of Torture" in the Wall Street Journal. Neill Lewis and Eric Schmitt cover the story for the New York Times; Dana Priest and Jeffrey Smith for the Washington Post. Thanks to Ogged at Unfogged for the tip.