Blogs > Cliopatria > History Blogosphere Business

Oct 30, 2008

History Blogosphere Business

History Carnival LXX goes up at Penny Richards's Disability Studies on Saturday 1 November. Send nominations of the best in October's history blogging to: turley2*at*earthlink*dot*net or use the form.

Shortly before the Jewish New Year, I was updating Cliopatria's History Blogroll. After making the new entries, I hit the button and the whole damn thing disappeared! Thinking I must have hit"delete" rather than"enter," I was about to slit my wrist, when Rick Shenkman replied to my desperation. My entries had probably exceeded HNN's capacity for a single page, he said, and the system handled the overload by deleting all of it. Fortunately, he had a recent copy and could repost it as two pages. The history blogosphere has simply grown beyond the system's capacity for a single page, so it is now divided into two different pages. I've also recently updated it with new additions, particularly a dozen or so additional Pre-Modern History Blogs. You may want to have a look at them.

On Saturday 1 November, we will open nominations for The Cliopatria Awards, 2008. Prior winners of the Awards are listed here. Between 1 and 30 November, you are invited to nominate candidates for Best Group Blog, Best Individual Blog, Best New Blog, Best Post, Best Series of Posts, and Best Writer. The period of eligibility is 1 December 2007 through 30 November 2008. In December, committees of three judges will choose the winners from among your nominees. Judges are ineligible to make nominations in categories they will be judging and Cliopatria is ineligible for the Best Group Blog award. You may want to refer to the History Carnivals and to Cliopatria's History Blogroll to stimulate your recollection for nominations.

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