Blogs > Cliopatria > Congressional Non-Surprises

Nov 5, 2008

Congressional Non-Surprises

Given the magnitude of Barack Obama's win, I had expected a few unexpected House victories for the Democrats. But they were all but non-existent (Ted Stevens' embarrassing win in Alaska ranks as the night's biggest surprise), with the possible exception of Virginia's 5th District, where Virgil Goode is trailing to a political unknown.

On another front, Julian Zelizer has an excellent essay at Newsweek, taking to task the poorly run McCain campaign.

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More Comments:

Jeff Vanke - 11/8/2008

A Slate interviewee says it's the NASCAR ad that really pulled Perriello into competitive. This is one of the best political ads I've ever seen. Who wrote this stuff? Perriello carried it off splendidly. He wins!

Jeff Vanke - 11/6/2008

Perriello shouldn't've stood a chance. He might have a tough time with reelection, if he wins now.

In a rare moment watching TV, just before a debate, I saw a Perriello ad. It was awesome. The quality -- video, audio -- were national-level professional, better than many Congressional ads. The subject: Goode wants to raise your taxes by [something like 23%]. There were shots of gasoline tanks and grocery shelves. Perriello was in the grocery store himself, and he was good. I guess Goode must be a national sales tax ("fair tax") supporter.

John Grisham's endorsement a couple months ago, in person, couldn't have hurt, either reputation or fundraising.

Go Perriello. (My TV-land includes the district in question, but it's not mine.)