Blogs > Cliopatria > The Downside of Community ...

Jun 16, 2004

The Downside of Community ...

Did I make it clear enough that we all would miss the Invisible Adjunct? Now, we mourn the passing of Chun the Unavoidable. Chun was definitely an acquired taste and some of us never altogether acquired it. In important ways, Scott McLemee and I agreed that Chun was the"not-IA": an irascible and wrong-headed ideologue. Our displeasure with each other was rather mutual. Chun retained Cliopatria on his blogroll because, he said, it was simply"too annoying" to delete. Nonetheless, IA and the Little One crowned Chun with immortality by baptizing him into the vernacular. Turned the poor fellow into a regular verb, they did. And, yes, Ogged and Fontana Labs at Unfogged, I confess that I'll miss him. Since he was relentlessly wrong-headed, you had on occasion to think through exactly where he was wrong on a given issue. And, I'll miss him the more because the net's Jewish IA, Naomi Chana, has also just told us to expect to read less of her, for the time being, at least. Well, that's not exactly right. Chana is no more the Jewish IA than I am the Protestant Jonathan Dresner, but you know what I mean. It's meant as a compliment to all of them. All of that is a long way of saying"farewell and best wishes" to Chun and hoping that Chana will be with us for a long time to come. Thanks to Adam Kotsko and Fontana Labs for the tip.

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More Comments:

Ralph E. Luker - 6/16/2004

It wouldn't be the first time I've been suckered by Chun's chunning ways.

Miriam Elizabeth Burstein - 6/16/2004

I thought Chun was chunning, myself, but, well, you never know. That's the essence of a chun, after all...

Adam Kotsko - 6/16/2004

I just want to put the idea on the table, though several commenters have already mentioned the possibility.

Leah - 1/6/2004

this sux