Teaching History Courses Online
What software and hardware do you need on your computer to teach an online course?
What technical skills are necessary, for both you and your students, when starting an online course?
How much will you get paid for teaching the course?
Will the college pay you a development fee for creating the content for the online course?
Do students find online courses easier than regular courses, or simply more flexible and convenient?
What is the enrollment cap for your online course?
How will your course be advertised?
How will you handle book orders (textbooks at the bookstore) if some of the students in your course live several hours away from your campus?
How much time and money will it take for the students who live far away and are not within driving distance of the campus bookstore to obtain the required texts for your online course?
Will you assign your students to use an online textbook that is available for free, such as Hypertext History by Steven Mintz?
Will your students be required to receive training or orientation before they enroll in your online course?
Do you know the difference between asynchronous communication and synchronous communication in an online course?
How much control will the college give you in designing the content and curriculum for your course?
How will you grade the participation level of students in your online course?
Can you expect that students in your online course can produce a research paper if you are not in the classroom, working with them face-to-face, teaching them the process of research and writing?
What kinds of assignments work best in online courses?
How much discussion do you need to facilitate in an online course?
How will you administer exams in your online course, especially since you cannot be in the same room as your students when they are taking an exam?
Which takes more time: teaching a regular face-to-face course or teaching an online course?
Which course management system will you be required to use, such as WebCT, Blackboard, or D2L?
Will the college allow you to use a content management system (like Wordpress, Moodle, Drupal, or Joomla!) that is open-source and offers more functionality?
Do you have a blog that you could use to communicate with the students in your online class?
How much support will the IT Department at your college offer as you prepare and teach your online course?
Will there be a mentor available who can help you on an individual basis?
Will your college offer free training to help you and others learn the methods and policies of creating and running online courses?
Who will own the intellectual property rights to the online course you design and develop?
Will teaching an online course count as professional development or help you get a job or tenure?