Blogs > Cliopatria > Wednesday's Notes

Dec 10, 2008

Wednesday's Notes

AHA convention: Precirculated Papers for selected sessions at January's American Historical Association convention are now available. They include papers by Elizabeth Rudd, Rob Townsend, and Sterling Fluharty for a session on"The History Job Market: Opportunities, Problems, and Fixes."

Dead White Men: Alan Jenkins,"No Bed for Francis Bacon," TLS, 3 December, reviews Matthew Gale and Chris Stephens, eds., Francis Bacon, Martin Harrison and Rebecca Daniels, Francis Bacon: Incunabula, Michael Peppiatt, Francis Bacon: Studies for a Portrait, and"Francis Bacon," an exhibit at the Tate Britain.

Terry Eagleton,"Milton's Republic," Guardian, 9 December; Roy Booth,"400 years ago today: John Milton," Early Modern Whale, 8 December; and Edward Vallance's John Milton 400 roundup recognized yesterday's 400th anniversary of John Milton's birth. Which reminds me that 3 December was Cliopatria's 5th anniversary. Happy birthday to us!

Susan Bruxvoort Lipscomb,"The Comfort of the Resurrection," Books & Culture, November/December, reviews Paul Mariani's Gerard Manley Hopkins: A Life.

Dwight Garner,"The Heart of the Man, Through His Correspondence," NYT, 9 December, reviews Richard Greene, ed., Graham Greene: A Life in Letters.

Resurrected Black Man: Scott McLemee,"Rediscovering Hubert Harrison," IHE, 10 December, reports Jeff Perry's long struggle to put Hubert Harrison back in public consciousness. Christopher Phelps,"The Rediscovered Brilliance of Hubert Harrison," Science & Society, Summer 2004, reviews Perry's A Hubert Harrison Reader.

Our Alums: Northwestern's history department is unlikely to advertise the fact that Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich was one of its majors. He was, by most accounts, a mediocre student. By most accounts, even worse as a public official. Hat tip.

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