Blogs > Cliopatria > Week of February 9, 2009

Feb 11, 2009

Week of February 9, 2009

  • Bernard-Henri Levy

    Barack Obama is not Che Guevara. Barack Obama is not an honorary member of the French Socialist Party. Barack Obama is the meeting in the same body, on the dissection table of American iconology, of the souls of King and John F. Kennedy.

  • Jerry Z. Muller

    What seems most novel [about the current downturn] is the role of opacity and pseudo-objectivity. This may be our first epistemologically-driven depression. (Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that deals with the nature and limits of knowledge, with how we know what we think we know.) That is, a large role was played by the failure of the private and corporate actors to understand what they were doing. Most heads of ailing or deceased financial institutions did not comprehend the degree of risk and exposure entailed by the dealings of their underlings—and many investors, including municipalities and pension funds, bought financial instruments without understanding the risks involved. We should keep this in mind when we chastise government agencies such as the SEC for failing to monitor what was going on. If the leading executives of financial firms failed to understand what was taking place, how could we expect government regulators to do so? The financial system created a fog so thick that even its captains could not navigate it.

  • Juan Cole

    You have an economy in shambles, increasing international isolation, the danger of further wars, an unpopular millenarian president who thinks God put him in office to reshape the world, and an alarmed public across the board. And you have a liberal challenger to the woeful status quo who is known for an ability to reach out to conservatives and a dislike of social polarization, who is wildly popular with youth, women and liberals, but who might attract even conservative votes.

Sound familiar?


I am talking about Iran.

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