Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Feb 24, 2009

More Noted Things

So, the editor at Prestigious Journal has returned your article with a request to"revise and resubmit." Eric Rauchway offers some advice.

Kaila Adia Story reviews Clifton Crais's and Pamela Scully's Sara Baartman and The Hottentot Venus: A Ghost Story and a Biography for the THES, 19 February.

A. N. Wilson,"What the Victorian artists did for us," Guardian, 22 February, reviews Jeremy Paxman's The Victorians: Britain Through the Paintings of the Age.

As Broadway prepares to re-open Frank Loesser's musical,"Guys and Dolls," Adam Gopnik revisits Damon Runyon's guys and gals.

Philip Swanson,"The myths of Gabriel García Márquez," TLS, 11 February, reviews Gerald Martin's Gabriel García Márquez: A Life.

Perry Anderson,"An Entire Order Converted into What It Was Intended to End," LRB, 26 February, reviews Sergio Rizzo's and Gian Antonio Stella's La Casta: Cosi i Politici Italiani sono Diventati Intoccabili and Rizzo's and Stella's La Deriva: Perche l'Italia Rischia il Naufragio.

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