Blogs > Cliopatria > Weak Endnotes

Mar 7, 2009

Weak Endnotes

John Elogon,"Identity-Theft Arrest in Dispute Over Dead Sea Scrolls," NYT, 5 March, reports charges against the son of the University of Chicago's Norman Golb, who may have sought to discredit criticism by NYU's Lawrence H. Schiffman of his father's work.

John Adamson,"Eyewitness to an Era," Literary Review, March, reviews Caroline Moorhead's Dancing to the Precipice: Lucie de La Tour du Pin and the French Revolution.

Karen Rosenberg,"Maverick, You Cast a Giant Shadow," NYT, 5 March, reviews"Cézanne and Beyond," an exhibit at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

The collapse of the city archive at Cologne seems little short of catastrophic. Because of unstable rubble, efforts to rescue two or three people who may have been lost in the collapse or to assay damage to the archive's holdings – including city council minutes going back to 1376 and manuscript collections of Heinrich Böll, Karl Marx, Jacques Offenbach, and others – have been slow. See: Klaus Graf's Archivalia and Nathanael Robinson's Europe Endless. Meanwhile, the library at UCLA has acquired the papers of Aldous Huxley.

Dwight Gardner,"Yours ever, Sam," NYT, 5 March, reviews Martha Dow Fehsenfeld and Lois More Overbeck, eds., The Letters of Samuel Beckett, Vol. 1, 1929-1940.

Hal Foster,"Crack Open the Shells," LRB, 12 March, reviews Guy Debord, Correspondence: The Foundation of the Situationist International (June 1957-60), translated by Stuart Kendall and John McHale.

There's a bit of a dust-up in Canada's Globe and Mail over Niall Ferguson's reputation as a historian. You can follow it in: Ian Brown's"Divas of doom find their fame in peddling the direst of fortunes to pessimistic masses," G&M, 28 February; Adam Radwanski,"‘He works the rhetoric of doom like a Master'," ibid, 2 March; Peter Blaikie,"All Sizzle, No Steak," ibid., 3 March; and Graham Taylor,"A Weighty Contribution," ibid., 4 March. Hat tip.

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