Blogs > Cliopatria > 20th Century Notes

Mar 9, 2009

20th Century Notes

Mondli Makhanya,"He's not some mascot to be bickered over and wheeled out at party bashes," Johannesburg, South Africa Times, 7 March, compares the bad behavior of the children of Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela.

Tobias Grey,"The Man Who Threw The First Terrorist Bomb," Washington Post, 8 March, reviews John Merriman's The Dynamite Club: How a Bombing in Fin-de-Siècle Paris Ignited the Age.

Marie Arana,"Lost in the Jungle," Washington Post, 8 March, reviews David Grann's The Lost City of Z: A Tale of Deadly Obsession in the Amazon.

Drake Bennett,"Troublesome Element," NYT, 5 March, reviews Tom Zoellner's Uranium: War, Energy, and the Rock That Shaped the World.

Roya Nikkhah,"George Orwell's love letters to go on sale," Telegraph, 7 March, announces the auction of Eric Arthur Blair's letters to Eleanor Jaques.

Joshua Hammer,"Mobilized By Mao," NYT, 5 March, reviews Xinran's China Witness: Voices From a Silent Generation. Translated by Nicky Harman, Julia Lovell and Esther Tyldesley.

Greg Myre,"The Martyr Who Did Not Die," Washington Post, 8 March, reviews Paul McGeough's Kill Khalid: The Failed Mossad Assassination of Khalid Mishal and the Rise of Hamas.

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