Blogs > Cliopatria > Two Conversations

Mar 11, 2009

Two Conversations

As noted earlier, Judith Bennett's History Matters: Patriarchy and the Challenge of Feminism is the subject of a March Monday Roundtable. The schedule is as follows:
2 March – Notorious PhD
9 March – Historiann, wherein Lawrence Stone, of blessed memory, is called"a tool"
16 March – Cliopatria and Tenured Radical
23 March – Blogenspiel
30 March – an as yet undisclosed apocalypse.

In the meantime, I am over at Josh Marshall's Talking Points Memo Café this week, where the University of Tennessee's Robert Norrell, Liberty & Power's and the Pope Center's Jane Shaw, the University of Oregon's Joseph Lowndes, attorney Bruce Kleinschmidt, and I are discussing Norrell's controversial new biography, Up from History: The Life of Booker T. Washington. And I'm trying to be nice about it.

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More Comments:

Haydon Leslie Cherry - 3/11/2009

The reference to Lawrence Stone as a "tool" in that post is to be regretted. That sort of ad hominem is quite inappropriate and does nothing to establish the credibility of the post or poster or to advance what might have been a fruitful discussion. "Historiann" seems guilty of much of the "obnoxiousness" she so readily finds in others.

Ralph E. Luker - 3/11/2009

Thanks for catching that. I've fixed it now.

Robert Zimmerman - 3/11/2009

Just fyi, the Historiann link ain't right.