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Mar 12, 2009

Modernity Reviewed

Cass R. Sunstein,"The Enlarged Republic – Then and Now," NYRB, 26 March, is an essay on The Federalist Papers.

Joan Acocella,"In the Blood," New Yorker, 16 March, reviews Bram Stoker's The New Annotated Dracula, with notations and an introduction by Leslie S. Klinger, Janet Byrne, and Neil Gaiman, and Stephanie Meyer's Twilight.

Adam Kirsch,"Intellectuals at the Gates," City Journal, 6 March, reviews Charles Kurzman's Democracy Denied, 1905–1915: Intellectuals and the Fate of Democracy.

Brooke Allen reviews D. J. Taylor's Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London's Jazz Age for the Barnes & Noble Review, 19 February.

Jonathan Chait,"Wasting Away in Hooverville," TNR, 18 March, reviews Amity Shlaes's The Forgotten Man: A New History of the Great Depression, William E. Leuchtenburg's Herbert Hoover, and Adam Cohen's Nothing to Fear: FDR's Inner Circle and the Hundred Days that Created Modern America.

Carlin Romano,"Virginia, Jean, and Flannery: A Good Role Model Is Easy to Find," CHE, 13 March, reviews Brenda R. Silver's Virginia Woolf Icon, Lillian Pizzachini's The Blue Hour: A Life of Jean Rhys, and Brad Gooch's Flannery: A Life of Flannery O'Connor.

Sara Lippincott reviews David C. Cassidy's Beyond Uncertainty: Heisenberg, Quantum Physics, and the Bomb for the LA Times, 8 March.

Brian Urquhart,"What You Can Learn from Reinhold Niebuhr," NYRB, 26 March, reviews a new edition of Niebuhr's The Irony of American History, with an introduction by Andrew J. Bacevich, Bacevich's The Limits of Power: The End of American Exceptionalism, and James Traub's The Freedom Agenda: Why America Must Spread Democracy (Just Not the Way George Bush Did).

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