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Mar 13, 2009

Things Noted Here and There

James Stevens Curl reviews Obelisk: A History by Brian A. Curran, Anthony Grafton, Pamela O. Long and Benjamin Weiss for the THES, 12 March.

Jane Ridley,"In the shadow of the Iron Duke," TLS, 11 March, reviews Jane Wellesley's Wellington: A journey through my family.

Paul Anderson,"An Invertebrate Left," LRB, 12 March, is an essay about whatever happened to the Italian Left.

Paul Gifford,"The ultimate French intellectual?" TLS, 11 March, reviews Michel Jarrety's Paul Valéry.

Richard Dorment,"From Shtetl to Château," NYRB, 26 March, reviews Jackie Wullschlager's Chagall: A Biography.

Gabriel Josipovici,"Letters from Beckett," TLS, 11 March, reviews Martha Dow Fehsenfeld, Lois More Overbeck, et al., eds., The Letters of Samuel Beckett. Volume One: 1929–1940.

Michael Kimmelman,"For Berlin Museum, a Modern Makeover That Doesn't Deny the Wounds of War," NYT, 11 March, reviews the re-opening of Berlin's Neues Museum, which now integrates much of the bombing's damage in World War II. Its exhibits will feature Egyptian and pre- and early history, as it did before the war's destruction.

Tony Kushner reviews David Cesarani's Major Farran's Hat: Murder, Scandal and Britain's War against Jewish Terrorism 1945-1948 for the THES, 12 March.

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