Blogs > Cliopatria > They're so cute at that age!

Aug 27, 2004

They're so cute at that age!

I do not even have much to say about this one. According to this article in today's Mail and Guardian, Mark Thatcher, son of the former British Prime Minister, has been arrested for aiding in a plot to overthrow the government of Equatorial Guinea. Apparently part of the plan involved using apartheid-era mercenaries. It's a truly bizarre story. According to another, equally engrossing, M&G story, The Iron Lady is"distressed." Her son was just arrested for trying to support a coup attempt in an African nation. He was in the midst of feverishly selling off luxury cars, and he and his kids had airline tickets bound for the US. his estranged wife is from Texas. Yeah, I'd say"distressed" sounds about right.

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