Blogs > Cliopatria > An Eph in Foxboro

Aug 27, 2004

An Eph in Foxboro

I am probably the only one who cares about this, but here is a great article from the Boston Globe on Williams' Scott Farley trying to make the Patriots. When I ran track at Williams, Scott's father Dick (see Tom's and my Olympic correspondence for some vignettes about Coach Farley) was an assistant with the track team (he used to be head coach until he got the head football position -- and there is an error in the article, as Coach Farley was not head football coach for 32 years, but rather made his impressive mark in fewer than 20, having taken over the program in, I believe, 1987). Scott was in junior high then and was clearly a phenomenal athlete, as the article makes clear.

I am guilty of excessive pride about my alma mater. And now a kid with whom I have personal connections, who is clearly bright as well as a brilliant athlete, might make my favorite football team. It really is a great piece, reveals a good deal about why I am so fond of Coach Farley (this is his son, and he is still such a crusty realist – I can hear his voice in my head as I read his words – and yet I am well aware of how proud he is of Scott), and also of Williams sports. And as an added bonus, the piece mentions my friend Ethan Brooks, one of my former teammates, who plays for the Baltimore Ravens.

As if I don’t have enough reason to be following the Pats training camp every day, this provides one more.

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