Blogs > Cliopatria > Waters' Wacky World

Mar 24, 2009

Waters' Wacky World

I'm normally a defender of Congress in general and congressional oversight in particular, but the House's response to the AIG affair has been disappointing.

Perhaps the most bizarre take on the financial meltdown came in today's Financial Services Committee hearing from Congresswoman Maxine Waters, who, in"questions" to Treasury Secretary Geithner, described the meltdown as an elaborate plot designed to use the government trough to advance the cause of Goldman Sachs. That would be the same Maxine Waters who went out of her way to try to steer federal funds to a local bank on whose board her husband had served.

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Dylan Justin Hirsch-Shell - 3/24/2009

Read this article by Matt Taibbi in Rolling Stone and then decide whether her questions were so bizarre after all...

(republished from the original article, which is at