Blogs > Cliopatria > Off to England

Sep 2, 2004

Off to England

I will be off to England for eleven days starting tomorrow. In twelve hours or so I leave for the land of bad dentistry. Soon after that, I will fly out of Dallas bound for England. (Thank you. Thank you very much. Tip your waitresses, and drive home safely!) I am chairing a panel at a conference on Brown v. Board at the University of Kent in Canturbury this weekend and I will be giving a paper at a conference on South Africa ten years after the end of apertheid at the university of London's Scool for oriental and African Studies (SOAS) the following weekend. In between I'll be doing some research, visiting some friends in the UK, and traveling a bit. I may be able to post from across the pond, but I also may not. I leave you in the good hands of my fellow Rebunkers.

More Comments:

Stephen Tootle - 9/2/2004

Happy trails. We'll hold the fort down.