Blogs > Cliopatria > Week of March 30, 2009

Apr 2, 2009

Week of March 30, 2009

  • David Horowitz

    I have recently received commentaries that claim that “Obama’s speeches are unlike any political speech we have heard in American history” and “never has a politician in this land had such a quasi-religious impact on so many people” and “Obama is a narcissist,” which leads the author to then compare Obama to David Koresh, Charles Manson, Stalin and Saddam Hussein. Excuse me while I blow my nose.

  • PR pitch to a Newsweek reporter

    Hey Katie!

    Just wanted to make sure you had this on your radar-what about doing a segment featuring the exact line of cigars Bill Clinton used with Monica Lewinsky in light of the HBO movie that is set to go into production titled"Special Relationship" about Bill's special"friendships" starring Dennis Quaid? The Gurkha Cigars spokesperson is available to speak about Gurkha's role in the presidential story and we can have you all shoot footage of the exact line of cigars that was used to make-um presidential history?  Can we make this work? 

  • Jonathan Alter

    While it was sold poorly, the recovery bill he signed was actually four or five major pieces of legislation in one, and adds up to more public investment than at any time in nearly half a century. It was also the largest tax cut in American history.

  • Gail Collins

    We have been thinking about the eighth president of the United States quite a lot recently, since he presided over the Panic of 1837. If you ever find yourself feeling anxious about the course of our economy today, just tell yourself “well, at least it isn’t the Panic of 1837,” and you will feel better.

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