Blogs > Cliopatria > Week of March 30, 2009

Mar 30, 2009

Week of March 30, 2009

Up Front

In Memory of John Hope Franklin: HNN Readers Open Forum

Political Highlights: President Obama’s Second Press Conference Focusing on the Economy & Budget
Bonnie Goodman

HNN Hot Topics: Meltdown 2009

HNN Hot Topics: The New Deal

HNN Hot Topics: What Obama Should Do

OAH 2009

Highlights from the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Organization of American Historians



News at Home

Blogging from the Center as an Historian During a Contested Campaign: Politically Anomalous and Academically Tenuous?
Gil Troy

Do the Humanities Matter in Hard Times? A Russian Historian's Answer
Walter G. Moss

Guess What? The New Deal Worked!
Steven Conn

News Abroad

Can You Do Business with Al Qaeda Terrorists?
James Livingston

Palestinians Who Helped Create Israel
Daniel Pipes

A Flawed Basis for Middle East Peace
Jonathan Goldstein

Historians & History

History Doyens: John Hope Franklin, 1915-2009
Bonnie Goodman

The Journalist as Historian: A Case Study
David Grann


Review of Jeffrey T. Richelson's Defusing Armageddon: Inside NEST, America's Secret Nuclear Bomb Squad
Lawrence S. Wittner

Review of Steven Greenhouse's The Big Squeeze: Tough Times for the American Worker
Robert Parmet

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