Blogs > Cliopatria > Wednesday's Notes

Apr 1, 2009

Wednesday's Notes

History Carnival LXXV will be up later today at Frog in a Well: Korea.

If Virgil were on Facebook ...

Anthony Gottlieb,"A Nervous Splendor," New Yorker, 6 April, reviews Alexander Waugh's The House of Wittgenstein: A Family at War.

Spencer A. Leonard,"Going It Alone: Christopher Hitchens and the Death of the Left," The Platypus Affiliated Society, 15 March, reviews Simon Cottee and Thomas Cushman, eds., Christopher Hitchens and His Critics: Terror, Iraq, and the Left.

Claire Potter,"What Side Are You On: The Politics of History (Meetings)," Tenured Radical, 31 March, replies to my claim yesterday that the OAH convention's panel on the state of studies of modern American conservatism might have been improved had it included – you know – a conservative historian working on the subject.

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