Blogs > Cliopatria > Friday's Notes

Apr 4, 2009

Friday's Notes

Alison Flood,"Is this YouTube for books?" Guardian, 31 March, introduces

Tunku Varadarajan,"A People and Their Karma," WSJ, 1 April, reviews Wendy Doniger's The Hindus: An Alternative History.

Sarah Bendall reviews James R. Akerman, ed., The Imperial Map: Cartography and the Mastery of Empire for the THES, 2 April.

Christopher Clark,"Vases, Tea Sets, Cigars, His Own Watercolours," LRB, 9 April, reviews Fabrice d'Almeida's High Society in the Third Reich.

Trevor Herbert reviews Krin Gabbard's Hotter than That: The Trumpet, Jazz, and American Culture for the THES, 2 April.

Finally, on the eve of the 41st anniversary of Martin Luther King's assassination, Life magazine releases heretofore unpublished photographs taken shortly thereafter by its photographer at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis. Thanks to Les Baitzer for the tip.

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More Comments:

Ed Schmitt - 4/3/2009

While all of those photos are incredibly powerful, I find the photo of his open briefcase the most moving.