Blogs > Cliopatria > A Couple of Things ...

Sep 20, 2004

A Couple of Things ...

I have a voyeur's pre-occupation with beautiful work done on the net. If you share my particular perversion, run on over to"misteraitch"'s Gionale Nuovo. He doesn't mind if you look. I know, because I asked. I'm a little prone to literalism, so when I read a statement he posts at the bottom of each page that says:"Not to be Introduced into the British Empire or the U. S. A.," I thought it might be another instance of European anti-Americanism. But"misteraitch" explains it all here. Brandon Watson at Siris calls Gionale Nuovo"easily one of the coolest blogs in the blogosphere." He's right and thanks to him for the tip.

My colleague, Tim Burke, has a different perversion, game theory. He calls it his" comfort food." Anyway, if you share his persuasion, you can feast at his post,"Ye Olde Disciplinary Punch and Judy Show," at Terra Nova.

Over on History News Network's mainpage, I have a piece,"Paul Buhle Strikes Out Again." It's an article that invites serious interrogation and, since Professor Buhle declined to respond to it, I am grateful to Jonathan Rees at the University of Southern Colorado who asked me some serious questions. I am less grateful to Peter Kirstein on the Left and David Horowitz on the Right, who didn't.

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