Blogs > Cliopatria > Thursday's Notes

Apr 9, 2009

Thursday's Notes

Allison Flood,"Free-access World Digital Library set to launch," Guardian, 8 April, announces the launch of the WDL on 21 April.

Biancamaria Fontana,"Witness to Three Revolutions," TLS, 8 April, reviews Caroline Moorehead's Dancing to the Precipice: Lucie de la Tour du Pin and the French Revolution.

Maureen Freely reviews Christopher de Bellaigue's Rebel Land: Among Turkey's Forgotten Peoples and Daniel Metcalfe's Out of Steppe: The Lost Peoples of Central Asia for the London Times, 4 April.

Two years after Emory University's announcement that it would put $2,000,000 into translations of Deborah Lipstadt's website Holocaust Denial on Trial, it is now readily accessible in Arabic, Farsi, Russian, and Turkish.

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