Blogs > Cliopatria > Et Tu, Fox?

Oct 4, 2004

Et Tu, Fox?

It may not quite reach the standards of the CBS-Rather fiasco, but given that this was intentional, shouldn't it be getting a bit more attention? Joke or not, in this particular climate at this particular time, it seems that major news organizations ought to be a bit more careful and a lot less cavalier. Satire is fine and fun, but it really ought to be acknowledged as such. Fox wouldn't want anyone questioning their motives a month before the election, after all . . .

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Derek Charles Catsam - 10/7/2004

Oscar --
Which is probably at least as much my fault -- I learned of the second one after posting, and did not choose to edit it.

Oscar Chamberlain - 10/7/2004

I only knew of the one discussed above. My comment would have been different otherwise.

Derek Charles Catsam - 10/6/2004

Oscar --
Actually, this was the second snafu that got by this week on Fox. And both were negative against Fox. And both were intentional, in that the person writing the stories did not sleepwalk to their computer, log on, get it through an equally snoozing editorial board, and then magic pixies posted it online. Nope -- these places have editorial processes, and these stories -- again, both anti-Kerry -- got through. You might give them a pass. I do not. Magic pixie-dust spewing fairies just do not tend to strike twice in the same week against the same presidential candidate and on a network that skews right. Apologize for them if you'd like. I won't.

Oscar Chamberlain - 10/5/2004

I can't say why I titled the above post "hnn". I certainly didn't confuse this august place with FOX.

Oscar Chamberlain - 10/5/2004

It's hard not to be suspicious of FOX, but this does sound a lot like something that's produced at the end of a rough week as a sort of intellectual primal scream.

That it slipped through certainly indicates FOX's general bias, but the speed with which they withdrew it suggests that it was a true mistake.