Blogs > Cliopatria > Conditions Currently Rendering Me Mute

Apr 19, 2009

Conditions Currently Rendering Me Mute

  • After 50 years of devout addiction to nicotine, I went cold turkey two weeks ago. My mind is still primarily devoted to how to satisfy the demand without admitting to you and me that I will have failed if I do so.
  • A historian now approaching 70 almost certainly ought not yield to the challenge to play hop scotch with academics 50 years his juniors. If he so yields, literally scrambles his dignity, and carries away from the experience a badly bruised shoulder and knee, it is his own fault, to be sure, but fault-finding doesn't overcome the pain.
  • From my evangelical childhood:

    Yield not to temptation,
    for yielding is sin ....

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    More Comments:

    Les Baitzer - 4/21/2009

    Best of luck on your cold turkey effort, Ralph! I need to join you.

    I hope quitting doesn't cause you to be come "cranky" ...

    Jeff Vanke - 4/20/2009

    My grandmother quit in her 70s, after 60 years. It was a bout of pneumonia in the hospital that did it, though she recovered health well enough to have resumed smoking, but she didn't. Good luck to you, Ralph.

    Ralph E. Luker - 4/20/2009

    I understand.

    Jeremy Young - 4/20/2009

    But I thought everything was all about me...

    Ralph E. Luker - 4/20/2009

    Point #2 has NOTHING to do with Jeremy Young.

    Jeremy Young - 4/20/2009

    Good luck with the cold turkey! That can't be fun.

    I haven't the foggiest idea who you're talking about with regard to Item Two, but just in case it's me, I should inform you that my way of showing respect is generally to argue vehemently with those whom I most appreciate. In your case, my appreciation stems not only from your approach toward seventy and your publishing record, but also for the good work you've done building the historical blogosphere, including taking some truly courageous stands (such as your continued defense of anonymous bloggers).

    Jonathan Dresner - 4/19/2009

    Beyond a certain age, I don't think the age of the people you're playing hop scotch with matters all that much....

    Hope you're feeling better soon!

    Chris Bray - 4/19/2009

    "Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop smoking." -- Steve McCroskey