Blogs > Cliopatria > Things Noted Here and There

Apr 20, 2009

Things Noted Here and There

Mary Beard,"Scrolling Down the Ages," NYT, 16 April, looks at book-making and -marketing in ancient Greece and Rome.

Alan Jacobs,"Gardening and Governing," Books & Culture, 3 April, reviews Tim Richardson's The Arcadian Friends: Inventing the English Landscape Garden.

Benjamin L. Carp,"Nice Party, But Not So Revolutionary," Washington Post, 19 April, compares the tax protests of 1773 and 2009.

Valerie Strauss,"What Was the Civil War Really About?" Washington Post, 20 April, talks with Richmond's Ed Ayres, St. Joseph's Randall Miller, Princeton's James McPherson, and others about how the election of Barack Obama may affect interpretations of the American Civil War.

Jon Garvie,"Is it fresh?" TLS, 15 April, reviews Susanne Friedberg's Fresh: A perishable history.

Ross Douthat,"God and Politics," NYT, 16 April, reviews Steven P. Miller's Billy Graham and the Rise of the Republican South.

Finally, farewell to Harvard's Samuel H. Beer.

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