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Apr 21, 2009

More Noted Things

Johann Hari,"Why the Wicked Witch Isn't Dead," Slate, 20 April, reviews John Demos's The Enemy Within: 2,000 Years of Witch-hunting in the Western World and Thomas Robisheaux's The Last Witch of Langenburg: Murder in a German Village.

Jill Lepore,"The Humbug," New Yorker, 27 April, reviews In the Shadow of the Master: Classic Tales by Edgar Allen Poe and Essays by ..., Mary Higgins Clark, et al., On a Raven's Wing: New Tales in Honor of Edgar Allen Poe, and Peter Ackroyd's Poe: A Life Cut Short. For a bonus, Lepore challenges you to"Solve Edgar Allen Poe's Cryptogram," Graham's Magazine (August 1841).

Congratulations to the winners of Pulitzer Prizes for 2009:

  • Annette Gordon-Reed for The Hemingses of Monticello: An American Family in History
  • Jon Meacham for American Lion: Andrew Jackson in the White House in Biography
  • Douglas A. Blackmon for Slavery by Another Name: The Re-Enslavement of Black Americans from the Civil War to World War II in General Nonfiction
  • and to: Mary Elizabeth Berry of UC, Berkeley, Robert A. Caro, William Chester Jordan and James M. McPherson of Princeton, Rashid Khalidi of Columbia, T. J. Jackson Lears of Rutgers, Matthew S. Santirocco of NYU, Jonathan Sarna of Brandeis, Steven Shapin of Harvard, Sanjay Subramanyam of UCLA, Donald E. Worster of the University of Kansas, Itamar Ravinovich of Tel Aviv, and Romila Thapar of Jawaharlal Nehru University, who are newly elected members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences.

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