Blogs > Liberty and Power > An Open Letter to My Congressman Albert Wynn

Oct 17, 2004

An Open Letter to My Congressman Albert Wynn

Dear Congressman Wynn,

This is an open letter to you that I intend to post on my group Blog, Liberty and Power. Here is the link.

Thank you for these e-mail updates. As you may or may not know I am a libertarian and I was not planning to vote for you until I received this latest e-mail. Now, even though I know you will do some things that I very much disagree with, I will pull the lever for you. Thank you for the actions described in the update. I very much approve of your votes against the administration's legislation prompted by the 9-11 Commission and for the small business tax cuts.

My biggest concern is the war on people who use certain kinds of drugs. It is arguably the most racist institution in present day America. Its costs, both human and monetary, are astronomical with virtually no return. To my mind the most important short essay ever written on the subject is Lysander Spooner's Vices are not Crimes. He penned this in 1876 as a response to the growing calls for alcohol prohibition, however, it applies equally to today's drug war. So in return for my vote I would like a favor. The next time the drug issue comes up, please, read the essay (I am sending a link to it) and think about what he has to say before you decide how to vote. Our current policy towards certain drugs treat vices as though they were crimes while the use of other drugs is highly encouraged, sometimes mandatory. What drugs falls into what category is pharmacologically arbitrary. These facts are the source of great harm.

Sincerely Keith Halderman

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