Blogs > Liberty and Power > Reality Based Communities

Oct 18, 2004

Reality Based Communities

The notion of “Reality Based,” as opposed to what the Bushians create as “Reality” within the Empire, is just another way of saying that when the Emperor, standing there naked, says, “I have on a beautiful crown and gown,” the rest of us are supposed to bow, make no arguments, and accept that as the “real” Reality.

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Bill Woolsey - 10/20/2004

I think it is likely that the "reality-based"
comment has been taken out of context. I see
the most likely scenario is that a critic of
the Iraq policy within the White House was
telling Suskind about how his article was creating
criticism in the White House. Part of that
conversation involved discussing the
dominant faction in administration--the neo-cons.
In a sort of sarcastic way, the "mole" says
that the problem the White House has with Suskind
is that he is reality-based and that we are an
Empire that creates its own reality. It was a
slightly over-the-top characterization of that
persons' view of other factions within the White
House. Consider it to be like some of the things
Powell is quoted as saying about the neo-cons.

Personally, I find it very unlikely that anyone--
even a crazed neo-con--would say that to an ally,
much less a reporter who has just written an article
critical of the administration. (Ledeen and Feith
get together for a few beers and talk about all of
their reality based critics--we now have an Empire,
they say, and we create our own reality. Nah. And
to imagine they would say such a thing to a reporter!)

It is too obviously exactly what many critics (like me)
believe about the neo-cons. Or, at least, about Bush.
(I know I switch between believing that the neo-cons
have some diabolical agenda or else are delusional

Perhaps everyone already understands this, and read
Suskind's report as an insider describing
his fears about what others in the administration is
really like.

Perhaps it was only me who read it as an alledged
insider stating some kind of truly crazed and
obnoxious belief.

But some of the things I have read seem consistent
with that implausibe second reading.