Blogs > Cliopatria > Things Noted Here & There

Apr 29, 2009

Things Noted Here & There

Penny Richards hosts History Carnival LXXVI at Disability Studies on Friday 1 May. Send nominations of April's best in history blogging to her at disstud*at*temple*dot*edu or use the form.

Ingrid D. Rowland,"A Silly, Very Cultured Club," NYRB, 14 May, reviews Bruce Redford's Dilettanti: The Antic and the Antique in Eighteenth-Century England.

Jonathan Zasloff,"What if torture is necessary but illegal? Learning from Lincoln," The Reality-Based Community, 27 April, asks"What did Lincoln do?"

A Pandemic Reader:

  • David Luhnow and José de Córdoba,"Mexico's High Death Rate Poses Key Question on Virus," WSJ, 29 April;
  • John M. Barry,"Where Will the Swine Flu Go Next?" NYT, 27 April;
  • Mike Davis,"The swine flu crisis lays bare the meat industry's monstrous power," Guardian, 27 April.
  • Scott McLemee,"The Monster at Our Door," IHE, 29 April.

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