Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

May 1, 2009

More Noted Things

A Conversation:

  • Mark C. Taylor,"End the University as We Know It," NYT, 26 April
  • Marc Bousquet,"More Drivel From the New York Times," How the University Works, 26 April
  • Tim Burke,"Taylor on the University," Easily Distracted, 27 April
  • Erin O'Connor,"Six steps to a better higher ed," Critical Mass, 27 April
  • Karl Steel,"Allow Me to Lodge A Complaint: Mark. C. Taylor on Destructuring the University," In the Middle, 27 April
  • "Project-Based Education? A Response to Mark Taylor," Confessions of a Community College Dean, 28 April
  • "Department and Punish," Michael Bérubé, 28 April
  • "Re: Mark C. Taylor on ‘reforming higher education'," Ryan McCarl, 28 April
  • ckelty,"Et tu Mark Taylor?" Savage Minds, 28 April
  • "Shooting fish in a barrel," Historiann, 28 April
  • Marc Bousquet,"May Day Meditation: Who Benefits From the Tuition Gold Rush?" The Valve, 29 April
  • Jonathan Rees,"Who exactly encourages people to enroll in doctoral programs?" More or Less Bunk, 29 April
  • Tim Burke,"The Road to Utopia," Easily Distracted, 30 April
  • Stan Katz,"What Might Be Done?" Brainstorm, 30 April.
  • Tristram Hunt,"Feminist friend or foe?" Guardian, 29 April, draws on Hunt's The Frock-coated Communist: The Revolutionary Life of Friedrich Engels.

    Dwight Gardner,"The Mogul Who Built Corporate America," NYT, 28 April, reviews T. J. Stiles's The First Tycoon: The Epic Life of Cornelius Vanderbilt.

    Michelle Orange,"Not Easy Being Greene: Graham Greene's Letters," Nation, 15 April, reviews Richard Greene, ed., Graham Greene: A Life in Letters.

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    More Comments:

    Jeff Vanke - 4/30/2009

    How long has it been since some tycoon endowed a new or upgraded university? Too long. Higher ed in America needs an alternative model (and where accreditation focuses on qualifications and outcomes, not processes). If someone wants to found the next Vanderbilt or Duke, the time is ripe. For just a billion dollars, I'll tell them how!