Blogs > Cliopatria > "Another Proof of the Expediency of Arming"

Apr 30, 2009

"Another Proof of the Expediency of Arming"

The Louisville Gazette (Georgia), Feb. 5, 1799, pg. 4:
Boston, December 28
American Naval Success

A letter has been received from capt. Seward, of the armed ship Camillus, of this port, belonging to Mr. Eben Parson, informing, that on his outward passage he was attacked by two French privateers, which, after an action he beat off -- and rescued from them a Portuguese vessel, which they had taken. His men stood to their guns with perfect resolution, and exercised them in the most active manner. This is another proof of the expediency of arming. Several benefits result from the issue of this engagement, which all honest Americans must exult in. A valuable ship, cargo, and a number of brave fellows are preserved to their country -- and piracy disappointed of its prey.
Not a government officer in sight.

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