More Comments:
Ralph E. Luker - 10/25/2004
Yes, laughing!
Jonathan Dresner - 10/25/2004
Laughing, I hope. I mean, it's a real sign of progress that we now live long enough to mostly die of cancer...
Seriously, though, cancer is like our own little private armaggedon, internal terrorism, and you're entirely right about monitoring and care.
Ralph E. Luker - 10/25/2004
Jon, It's a good thing I had put my coffee cup down when I read that line about minor cancer being something that happens to someone else! I'd still be cleaning off my keyboard and monitor.
Jonathan Dresner - 10/25/2004
No, it's something that happens to someone else, like minor surgery.
Van L. Hayhow - 10/25/2004
I had cancer about 8 years ago. So far, I am doing fine; so well in fact that my doctor no longer panics (in a good way) when I call. Mine was of a different type so our experiences would not be comparable especially as mine was considered minor. Just a thought, is minor cancer an oxymoron?
Ralph E. Luker - 10/25/2004
Thanks, so much, Tim. It means a great deal to me that they are from you.
Timothy James Burke - 10/25/2004
and best wishes to you, Ralph. There was an article in the Village Voice a long time ago that made a big impression on me about the experiences of someone in cancer treatment that said that until he had cancer, the author had thought of the world as divided into the sick and the well; he then realized it was between the sick and the not-yet-sick. So it helps those of us who know that one day we will face something to hear about how those who are facing sickness now cope with it.
Alastair Mackay - 10/25/2004
For sharing this miserable piece of personal news, and as well for showing how to turn bad news to advantage, as much as is possible. And for the advice on screening, as it is usually too tempting to put off action until Tomorrow. Best wishes, AM
Ralph E. Luker - 10/25/2004
Thanks to both of you. I'm doing very well, according to the doctors. My wife thinks there could be some improvements, but that's another matter!
Hala, I'd love to meet you. Alas, San Francisco isn't on my agenda for November. I'll be in Memphis for the Southern Historical Association convention, 3-6 November; in Atlanta for the American Studies Association convention, 11-14 November; and in Seattle for the American Historical Association convention, 6-9 January 2005.
Hala Fattah - 10/25/2004
Dear Ralph,
Your attitude is wonderful, and what a tonic for the rest of us. Will you be in San Francisco in November? I will. Let's meet, and give thanks for a number of milestones passed.
Best wishes,
Maarja Krusten - 10/25/2004
Best of luck to you, sir. I know everything is relative in these things, but I am glad to hear you are a survivor in remission. I lost my twin sister to cancer--she battled melanoma very bravely for 18 months--and I know the toll cancer takes on patients and family alike. May you remain a survivor for a long time to come! And I hope readers heed your excellent advice on checkups.