May 3, 2009


What an inspired choice! Netanyahu really hit a home run with the appointment of Michael Oren as the new Israeli ambassador to the US. I cannot stop smiling and it is not because he is knowledgeable, smart, articulate and looks good on TV though he certainly is all those things.

It is because it is difficult to find an individual more committed to explaining Israel's position to anyone who he crosses his path and he makes sure they do. I remember NYT Jerusalem bureau chief, Ethan Bronner, complaining of Oren repeatedly buttonholing him in Jerusalem and forcing him to listen. He is an expert and charming schmoozer who will not leave a party without making sure not only that he touched base with everybody there but that he has done everything possible to move them in Israel's direction or at the very least forced them to consider Israel's position. He is impossible to discourage. I know, I have seen him work both a Harvard club room and a State Department one. Masterful! On television he is almost as smooth as Netanyahu.

Of course, like Netanyahu, he is American raised and IVY educated and, therefore, he feels at home with the American intellectual elite and they see him as one of them. On the other hand, he has lived and worked for many years in Jerusalem, fought in the army and his sister in law was a victim of suicide bombing. In other words, he gets Israelis.

Last, but not least, as a superb student of Middle East history, he understands the reality of US Israeli relations much better than most Israelis and certainly better than most Americans. That understanding, which lacked in most Israeli and American diplomats with whom I had the honor of conversing, more than anything, should help him choose the most effective arguments and strike the right tone in his dealings with the difficult Obama administration and no one appreciates just how difficult it is going to be to deal with an administration which gladdens the heart of US enemies while distressing US allies than Michael Oren.

So, all that remains for me to add is the traditional Jewish blessing - Chazak Ve'ematz! Be strong and courageous! You are up to the task.

UPDATE: Read Michael's new Commentary article, Seven Existential Threats

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