Blogs > Cliopatria > Lying About Israel

Oct 31, 2004

Lying About Israel

One of the most vicious, inane, and historically vacuous analogies that those who hate Israel try to make is to compare the current situation with apartheid. People who make this analogy manage to do a remarkable thing: They both reveal an absolute ignorance of the history and manifestation of apartheid and an utterly contemptible and wrong view of the situation in Israel. This article (registration may be required) provides one of the most effective refutations of this insidious libel. As the author, Benjamin Pogrund of the Yakar Centre for Social Concern in Jerusalem writes, “If the apartheid label is appropriate, it provides a potent political weapon. If, however, the usage is wrong, it reduces the system of racism perpetrated in South Africa to just another swear word. It also raises questions about the motives of those who apply it.” Pogrund provides an argument as to why the usage is decidedly wrong. Arguments against Israel’s policy are, of course, fully acceptable, and sometimes necessary. The “Israel equals apartheid” lie, however, is not an argument. It is a calumny.

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More Comments:

Derek Charles Catsam - 11/2/2004

Chris --
Indeed I can cook. Usually I do so better than my girlfriends, meaning that i sopend more time in the kitchen than they do.
I have not perfected any Thai except a yummalicious peanut sauce.


chris l pettit - 11/2/2004

Somehow I thought you had the nice woman at home making you brain food while you bless us all with your brilliant posts...

I prefer homemade Thai food myself...


Derek Charles Catsam - 11/1/2004

Chris --
i expected to hear from you on this! I am even more interested in see4ing the full seminar paper. I think he makes a solid case. My biggest concern is not the criticism of israel per se, but rather the chilling analogy of using "apartheid" which does not to my mind fit.
Oh -- yeah, people suck. But we make up for it by being able to cook. Don't give up faith.

chris l pettit - 11/1/2004

We disagree on this issue, and you are well aware that I think the analogy is entirely appropriate...and tend to have just a tad bit more credibility than those who are not as well versed in South African history as you and I.

However, this post is not to get into the usual arguments on the issue. I just wanted to acknowledge that the article you found is a quality piece of scholarship. I may not agree with it, and do find its analysis of the apartheid argument to be flawed at its base (think two trains passing in the night, making two different arguments)...but it is a quality scholarly argument and I have to respect the points that are made. I think it is all a matter of perception and what you are trying to get out of the issue.

I do fully agree that one should not make such comparisons out of spite or to utilize Apartheid in the same manner as people use "fascism" and the like.

By the a related note...I have given up on humanity and decided that most of us are greedy worthless evil pieces of trash for what must be about the 100th time this week...such is the life of a human rights and peace scholar.