Little Orphan Annie as Anti-New Deal Hero

In a fascinating column, Brian Doherty, author of the definitive history of libertarianism, Radicals for Capitalism, explores the pro-free market views of Harold Gray, the creator of the"Little Orphan Annie" comic strips:
The strip sneered at organized and impersonal charity. But to survive, Annie counts not only on her own grit but on the direct kindness of strangers, at the same time having to avoid the depredations of the professional do-gooder. The comic’s early days hold a winningly libertarian disdain for the uplifters and professional licensing and child labor laws that stymie Annie’s attempts to support herself and others who fall under her care.
Unfortuantely for Gray, he did not live long enough to prevent his work from being mangled into an aggressively pro-New Deal play and movie,"Annie."