Blogs > Liberty and Power > Memo to the Proud Voters I Saw on My Lunchtime Stroll

Nov 2, 2004

Memo to the Proud Voters I Saw on My Lunchtime Stroll

Ahem. Can we agree on the following? You are an adult. You are a person, presumably with a job, a person who pays bills and perhaps has a pet or even a child dependent upon you. You are a person who reads the newspaper, and strives to form an intelligent opinion about public affairs. Given all of that, you should not be caught walking around with a vacant look in your eyes, a vaguely satified smile on your face and an "I Voted!" sticker on your shirt. A laudatory sticker is perfectly appropriate for six-year-old Timmy, who went to the dentist, didn't have any cavities, and didn't squirm at all when the hygenist cleaned his teeth. It is not appropriate for, as Martin Lawrence phrases it, "a grown-ass man."

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More Comments:

David Lion Salmanson - 11/3/2004

I thought the purpose of the "I voted" sticker was to keep people from asking you "have you voted yet?"

Jonathan Dresner - 11/3/2004

Did I mention the 'bad trips' and withdrawal symptoms? Ouch.

Jonathan Dresner - 11/3/2004

You know, voting is addictive. People who vote in the first election for which they are eligible are most likely to be reliable lifetime voters. The best predictor of likely voter-hood is a history of voting.

And, though we don't get stickers here (and we wanted them), a silly grin still comes over my face when I play the game, though it's punctuated by grim uncertainty. I've seen that look in Vegas....