Blogs > Cliopatria > 2010's Worst Congressional Candidate

May 14, 2009

2010's Worst Congressional Candidate

It takes a lot to surpass the worst candidate of 2008--Oregon's Mike Erickson, who ran on a pro-life platform despite revelations that he had paid for a girlfriend's abortion--but Kim Hendren, the likely Republican challenger to Arkansas senator Blanche Lincoln, is off to a good start.

Here's a recent Hendren "apology": “At the meeting I was attempting to explain that unlike Sen. Schumer, I believe in traditional values, like we used to see on ‘The Andy Griffith Show.’ I made the mistake of referring to Sen. Schumer as ‘that Jew’ and I should not have put it that way as this took away from what I was trying to say.”

Even better was his excuse for the statement: he was speaking without a teleprompter.

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More Comments:

david maclaren mcdonald - 5/15/2009

Wow! I have to admit that Hendren and Erickson raise the bar stratospherically, but surely that constitutional scholar and perennial YouTube favourite Michelle Bachman merits at least honourable mention . . .