Over in
Instapunditland my dear brother has been spreading the scurrilous rumor that he is the good looking one and that I'm the smart one. He is mistaken, and I can prove it. If he were the smart one, he would be right about which one of us is which, and that would mean I would
actually be the smart one, and, hence, couldn't be wrong. Thus, his own logic refutes his claim that I'm not the good looking one. It's really so simple that even I, the less intelligent one, can figure it out.
One might also note that he has taken a innocuous pastime and built a
veritable blog empire -- bringing riches, power, and fame. I, on the other hand, tend to spend my free time fishing and playing guitar. Do people say"If you're so smart, then why ain't you fishing?" No, no they don't.
You could also just look for yourself:

I rest my case.