Blogs > Cliopatria > Noted Here and There ...

Nov 26, 2004

Noted Here and There ...

Mark Ford's"Love and Theft" in the London Review of Books is yet another fine article on plagiarism for Cliopatria's readers. Tip of the hat to the Little Cliopatriarch.

Cliopatria has been promiscuous again and spawned yet another off-spring, the Dictionary of Received Ideas. We're beginning to lose count of them all. Sadly, her first, Time Travel is Easy, apparently died in infancy. Her second, even more profligate and shameless than herself and, thus, nameless, is currently under banishment. She recognizes Frog in a Well and the Dictionary of Received Ideas as legitimate heirs. The DRI recommends Scribbling Woman's terrific collection of Victorian texts on the net: Austen, Darwin, Stead, Trollope, Wells, and more. Henry Bursell's Hand Shadows To Be Thrown Upon The Wall is of special interest. Supplement Scribbling Woman's list with the Little Professor's recommendation of Stanford University's Discovering Dickens project. Cliopatria is, however, properly shocked by the DRI's recommendation of Marmot's post about Korean castration practices.