Blogs > Cliopatria > Week of May 25, 2009

May 30, 2009

Week of May 25, 2009


The government will provide GM at least $50 billion to get the company through Chapter 11.

Peter Baker

In the past 140 years, only two other Democratic presidents [besides Bill Clinton], Harry Truman and Jimmy Carter, lived long enough to see another Democrat in the White House ....

Flynt Leverett and Hillary Mann Leverett

It was not easy for President Richard Nixon to discard a quarter-century of failed policy toward the People’s Republic of China and to reorient America’s posture toward Beijing in ways that have served America’s interests extremely well for more than 30 years. That took strategic vision, political ruthlessness and personal determination. We hope that President Obama — contrary to his record so far — will soon begin to demonstrate those same qualities in forging a new approach toward Iran.

David Brooks

... I do think Obama is doing a good job. The issue I care most about is education, and his education policy is the best of any president in American history.

Roger Cohen

In general, I’d say the era of revolutions is over. Google has gobbled the insurrectionary impulse. That is the main difference between the Tiananmen generation and Asia’s rising “Generation Global.” Heat rises in a confined space. When walls and borders are porous, it gets dissipated.

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